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At Meadows School, we believe that students, staff and carers/guardians are all part of a team which aims to achieve the best possible outcomes for every student.  Our policies and procedures help to ensure that we do this effectively:

School Admission

Please see below our school Admission information:

Admission Agreement

Admissions Policy 

Admissions Process


Please see below our safeguarding Policy:

safeguarding and child protection policy Sept 2023

Other Policies and Procedures

Please see below our attached policies:

Attendance policy

Access arrangements policy 

Anti bullying policy 

Assessment policy 

Behaviour Policy 

Contingency plan

Curriculum Policy

ECT_induction policy

exclusion policy

challenging behaviour towards staff 

Complaints policy and procedure 

formal complaints

First Aid Policy 

School Governance Overview

privacy notice


School Health and Safety

SEND Policy 

Smoking Policy and guidance

teaching and learning policy 

Number of formal complaints since 2021 to present = 0

For more policies and procedures please contact Meadows School on 01706 630022



Although Meadows School is not eligible for Pupil Premium, we do ensure that we offer additional interventions to pupils, and we measure their impact.


Meadows School aims to meet its statutory obligations when responding to complaints from parent/carers of pupils at the school, and others.

When responding to complaints, we aim to:

  • Be impartial and non-adversarial
  • Facilitate a full and fair investigation by an independent person or panel, where necessary
  • Address all the points at issue and provide an effective and prompt response
  • Respect complainants’ desire for confidentiality
  • Treat complainants with respect
  • Keep complainants informed of the progress of the complaints process
  • Consider how the complaint can feed into school improvement evaluation processes

We try to resolve concerns or complaints by informal means wherever possible. Where this is not possible, formal procedures will be followed.

The school will aim to give the complainant the opportunity to complete the complaints procedure in full.  To support this, we will ensure we publicize the existence of this policy and make it available on the school website.

See our complaints policy and procedure above.

More Information

Alternative Providers

Community Activities

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Our Academic Achievement

Meadows School are very proud of the academic achievement that our pupils have made over the last year.  We have increased the number of qualifications on offer  to our pupils to 10.Â...read more

Ofsted – Meadows School achieved a GOOD in 2023

Meadows School are pleased to have received an "Good" report from Ofsted who acknowledged that teachers have a strong subject knowledge and a thorough understanding of pupils' learning ...read more