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SARP: School Assessment and Reintegration Programme

All young people who come to Meadows School receive a comprehensive School assessment and reintegration programme  (SARP).   Meadows school devised the SARP as a method of offering a structured framework that identifies and addresses pupils that have been exposed to childhood traumatic events.    The SARP offers an academic baseline assessment in numeracy, literacy and science, Cognitive Ability Testing (CAT) and a Boxall assessment of social, emotional and behavioural needs.

The SARP then informs the Seniors leadership team firstly, if Meadows School is the best educational offer for the young person, if not, then support is given to find the right school and secondly, what personalised education plan and teaching methods best suit the needs of the young person and what adaptions are required to ensure they are supported to overcome barriers to learning and fulfil their potential.

The SARP programme is supported and delivered by the in-house SENCO, Educational Psychologist and therapy team.

Click here for PDF version of Guide to SARP assessment 

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