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Our Governors

Meadows School introduced a governing body in 2016 and has now grown to include the company directors, external education specialists, care manager, safeguarding lead and care staff.  Most of the current Governors have responsibilities or are members of sub-committee’s that are devoted to improving the education for our pupils.

The role of the Governing Body is to make decisions about the school and how it is run. Governors are strategic leaders of the school and have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. The focus is to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, the performance management of staff and overseeing the financial performance of the school..

The Governors meet three times a year and sub committees meet at least termly.

Chair of Governors

Megan Whitlock


Jane Toner (Proprietor)

Jonathan Rigg (Proprietor)

Ian Bywater (Property Manager) – Health and Safety.                                                  

Karen McCarthy – Training and Careers

Kate Knox  and Stacey Genesis (Registered Managers)

Lee Matthews (Operational Director

Jade Law (Finance and budgeting Director)

Dr Nicola Shanahan (Director of Therapy)

Nick Wilmnough (Parent Governor)

Please click here for more information about our Governing body guidance           


Sub Committees.

Welfare and Attendance Team(WAT) Sub Committee

Sue Cryer,  Krista Howell, Megan Whitlock, Paula Forth.

Curriculum and Finance

Jonathan Rigg, Jade Law, Jane Toner.

Quality and Standardization Sub Committee

Jane Toner, Ian Bywater, Karen McCarthy.


Please email school@meadowscare.co.uk for more information.





More Information


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Alternative Providers

Community Activities

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SARP: School Assessment and Reintegration Programme

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