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Our Curriculum

What will pupils learn while at Meadows School?

Meadows School offers an exciting broad, balanced and rich curriculum that includes core subjects such as Maths, English and Science as well as other subjects including Animal Care, earth sciences such as climate change, conservation and entomology,  Citizenship, Geography, History, Physical Education, Religious Studies,  Outdoor pursuit, PSHE including SRE and computer science.

We offer qualifications from Entry Level up to GCSE in most subjects.

Our bespoke services include learning at The ARC, a farming environment where pupils get to have their lessons while cuddling a range of animals.   They may even have a lesson in an American Diner. How cool is that!


Pupils are taught in small classes of a maximum of 7:1 often with additional 1:1 literacy and numeracy intervention as required.  They also receive at least 3 hours of English, Mathematics, PE and Science a week and at least one hour a week of other subjects, such as Geography, History, Cooking, Art and Design, Religious Studies and PSHE.

See HERE for our curriculum booklet 

At Key stage 3, pupils are taught in line with the National programme of study and at Key Stage 4, pupils follow GCSE and Functional Skills qualification syllabus and ASDAN Short Course awards.

Relationships and Sex education (RSE) statement

Meadows School are committed to the education of the whole child through a broad and balanced curriculum. This includes the teaching of RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) at a level which is appropriate to the age and stage of development of our children.  Please see below our policy:


Curriculum Plans

See below some of our Schemes of  work for this academic year

SOW English                                                                                  SOW Maths

computer Science                                                                  History

SOW ART                                                                                         SOW Careers

PE -1                                                                                                  PE – 2

PSHE                                                                                                 NOCN – Animal Care_Land based



More Information

Online Learning and Homework

Homework will be given to you every Monday and must be completed by the Friday.   If you do not hand in your homework, then you must attend our homework club on a Friday at 1.15pm. ...read more

Our Careers Program

Meadows school follows a Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) program which, we believe, makes a major contribution in preparing young people for opportunities, r...read more